Margaret Fournier

Margaret Fournier



Although born in South Carolina, I lived most of my young life elsewhere. My entire adult life, until last September, was spent in the Chicago area where I fell in love with opera. A friend and I decided to subscribe to a season at Lyric Opera of Chicago on a whim. We sat in the nosebleed section and, at first, did not know much about what we were experiencing, but we liked it. Before long, I got totally hooked which led to a much better seat and a 50 year-long subscription. Not to mention a lifelong passion. The more I saw, the more I wanted to learn. I even went back to school to study music theory and history. For many years after that, I was a member of the Lyric Opera Lecture Corps and gave many lectures to audiences throughout the Chicago area. I also worked in many other capacities as a volunteer for Lyric Opera of Chicago.


Since I moved to Charleston last September, I have been actively looking for some opera connections and have been thrilled to find out about the development of HALO. I am delighted to be a part of this wonderful endeavor.


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